Projects on digital inclusion, digital literacy and digital inequality

The projects listed below are part of the NWO-funded research “Informed Citizenship For All.



INCLUDED is an interdisciplinary participatory action research, is lead by Dr. Çiğdem Bozdağ and supervised by Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakasoğlu (Universiteit van Bremen). The project focuses on intercultural digital media education for social inclusion of socioeconomically disadvantaged youth in the urban migration society.

Pilot Digital Inclusion

The Digital Inclusion Pilot is a collaboration between 18 societal partners who joined together in November 2018 in the Digital Literacy Coalition. In three research projects, we examine what are the conditions and barriers to digital inclusion from the perspective of citizens, and explore how digital inclusion can be promoted.

Digital literacies and digital inclusion of (digital-) low-literate citizens

This study explores how low-literate people experience, understand and translate digital literacy, digital inclusion, digital exclusion and (digital) inequality within their own personal daily digital practices.

Digital Literacy in the Context of the Family

How do children develop digital skills in the various social contexts of their daily lives? In this project, we explore how children (aged 8-12) from different social backgrounds develop digital literacy within the social contexts of after-school care, home and school.

Digital Literacy in the Public Library

How can we increase digital literacy among citizens so they can participate in an increasingly digital society? In this project, we are trying to find a solution to this important social challenge.