News and current information from the Digital Inclusion Lab

Stay up to date on the Digital Inclusion Lab’s projects! On this page, we share all the news surrounding the various projects.


Historical concepts about literacy (part 2)

This second section looks at what low literacy meant in different historical periods, to what extent it was a limitation to function in society, and how the relationship was seen between low literacy and digital low literacy.

Historical concepts about literacy

This is part 1 of a series of blog articles on the history of low literacy in relation to digital literacy.

New publication: ‘Scary, but Fun’

The "Children's Media Yearbook 2023" was recently released. In this book, researchers Denise Mensonides, Dr. Anna Van Cauwenberge and Prof. Dr. Marcel Broersma have published a chapter on how children explore digital risks through play.

Call for Papers: Practices of digital inclusion and exclusion in everyday life

We are seeking scholarly studies that focus on citizens' everyday experiences of digital inclusion and exclusion, with an emphasis on the practices and tactics by which citizens deal with the increasing digitalization of their daily lives. Deadline to submit abstracts is 15-07-2023.

Publication of article in Weizenbaum Conference Proceedings

We are proud to announce that the article "Digital inclusion of low-literate citizens: problematizing sequential approaches within the digital divide" was recently published in the Weizenbaum Conference Proceedings: Digital Sovereignty - Interventions for an open digital future.

We are live!

The Digital Inclusion Lab has a new website! This makes it easier to find us and even easier to share the results of our projects.