Welcome to the Digital Inclusion Lab!

Focusing on questions surrounding the inclusion of different groups in an increasingly digital society, the Digital Inclusion Lab explores how digital literacy among children and vulnerable groups is learned, applied and experienced within everyday digital practices.

Click on the links below for more information on events, publications and projects.

Dit is een beschrijving van de foto - Digital Inclusion Lab


Dit is een beschrijving van de foto - Digital Inclusion Lab


DigiMig is een interdisciplinair project onder leiding van Dr. Çiğdem Bozdağ, gehuisvest bij het Centre of Media and Journalism Studies binnen de Faculteit der Letteren aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


INCLUDED is an interdisciplinary participatory action research, is lead by Dr. Çiğdem Bozdağ and supervised by Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakasoğlu (Universiteit van Bremen). The project focuses on intercultural digital media education for social inclusion of socioeconomically disadvantaged youth in the urban migration society.

Pilot Digital Inclusion

The Digital Inclusion Pilot is a collaboration between 18 societal partners who joined together in November 2018 in the Digital Literacy Coalition. In three research projects, we examine what are the conditions and barriers to digital inclusion from the perspective of citizens, and explore how digital inclusion can be promoted.


Bypassing Digital Literacy: Marginalized citizens’ tactics for participation and inclusion in digital societies

Research by Alexander Smit, Joëlle Swart and Marcel Broersma on low-literate people's tactics for digital participation was recently published in the journal New Media & Society. For more information, click here.

‘Scary, But Fun’: Children’s Explorations Of Digital Risky Play

The "Children's Media Yearbook 2023" was recently released. In this book, researchers Denise Mensonides, Dr. Anna Van Cauwenberge and Prof. Dr. Marcel Broersma have published a chapter on how children explore digital risks through play.
digital inclusion article

Digital Inclusion of Low-Literate Adults: Challenging the Sequential Underpinnings of the Digital Divide

Recent publication of the article 'Digital Inclusion of Low-Literate Adults: Challenging the Sequential Underpinnings of the Digital Divide'. The article focuses on contemporary models of digital inclusion and the digital divide, problematizing them in relation to everyday digital practices of low-literate Dutch citizens.



Historical concepts about literacy (part 2)

This second section looks at what low literacy meant in different historical periods, to what extent it was a limitation to function in society, and how the relationship was seen between low literacy and digital low literacy.

Historical concepts about literacy

This is part 1 of a series of blog articles on the history of low literacy in relation to digital literacy.

New publication: ‘Scary, but Fun’

The "Children's Media Yearbook 2023" was recently released. In this book, researchers Denise Mensonides, Dr. Anna Van Cauwenberge and Prof. Dr. Marcel Broersma have published a chapter on how children explore digital risks through play.